Hangover Cure: Dioralyte
Although I am not a fan medication and this is certainly not new or ground breaking, Dioralyte is definitely one of the most useful and reliable solutions to the age old problem of the hang over I have ever come across. Before you start rubbing cod liver oil on your ears or jumping in an icy cold bath I would definitely suggest trying this stuff out. As the name suggests it is actually a treatment for Diarrhoea, and works by replacing lost water and body salts, effectively also providing a solution to the cause of a hangover. After a big night out, one sachet dissolved in water before bed and one in the morning if necessary and you will be feeling fresh as a daisy. Available at most chemists/pharmacies in the UK, also available internationally. Click the link below for an interesting article in the Daily Mail which gives more details about Dioralyte and other recommended hangover cures.
DailyMail - What Your GP Takes For A Hangover
DailyMail - What Your GP Takes For A Hangover