Daps Of The Apps: CCleaner

Pc running a bit slow? perhaps a little spring clean might help. CCleaner is an application that finds and removes junk from Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer and other areas of your system. It also targets installed applications such as FireFox, Microsoft Office, Google Earth, Spybot and Windows Media Player. You can choose exactly what you want it to focus on by ticking or unticking the various choices on offer. The program also has a built-in Registry checker, which can fix and find errors and delete old invalid registry entries. It also gives you the option to back up your registry to avoid any unfortunate mishaps. Impressively the Tools section also includes a handy uninstaller and a startup manager for configuring which programs and services start with Windows. This application is a strong performer and unlike many of these type of programs it actually works well and shows some good results. Hit the link to download for free.

CCleaner - Download Page

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