Read: Eckhart Tolle - The Power Of Now

With a name like 'The Power Of Now', a place on the New York Times best seller list and an endorsement from Oprah you could easily be forgiven for thinking the Power Of Now was some standard fare self help Junk. However if you were to think that then you would be mistaken. With a focus on spirituality and many principles taken from the teachings of Zen Buddhism, The Power Of Now begins with Tolle recalling his initial transformational experience in 1980 that lead him to what he believes to be spiritual enlightenment.

Written in a question and answer format the main theme of the book is that while our use of time has a practical aspect, most people are lost in time and are only peripherally aware of the present moment. In doing so, we make the present moment a means to an end for future fulfillment, and we become what Tolle calls unconscious. Tolle emphasises a need to connect with our inner self and move away from the constraints we place on ourselves by focusing on the past and the future and the ego centric endeavours of the mind. I have never read a self help book in my life or anything like this, but I have to say this was a real eye opener. Very difficult to apply to daily life but definitely worth reading. Be prepared to question everything about your really. Available at Amazon and most good book stores.

Amazon - Eckhart Tolle - The Power Of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment

(Props to Ashbeezy and Davidoff for the recommendation)

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1 Response to "Read: Eckhart Tolle - The Power Of Now"

  1. mcfreeman says:

    The concepts in this book, The Power Of Now, have life-altering possibilities. I've read a lot of "self-help" pap, but have never encountered a book that explains such elementary but oft over-looked observations about how we view this life experience. There is a wonderful feeling of peaceful harmony awaiting you if you are able to apply the principles Tolle provides.